Find Your Video Game

graph visualization for games in different platforms

Data last updated time: July, 2022, by Yucheng Feng


This website shows video games on different platforms with game ratings, difficulty levels, and durations. Part of my project idea comes from Every Gen Ed at UIUC made by Professor Wade and his students. The visualization aims to help players who are interested in game data to gain meaningful insights.

The selected box provides a list of options for game platforms and types. Given an input in the search bar, it can filter out the desired game and display the dot associated with the game. In addition, it can recommend games based on the KNN algorithm. To reset the scatterplot graph, please click the CLEAR button.

The graph contains games with votes above 100 from GameFAQs, and you can go to its website to fetch more information. If you are interested in the datasets, the recommendation algorithm, or the web source code behide this website, feel free to visit repo here to check it out. Wish you have a great experience!

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